Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Wedding


1. Hyperthyroidism
2. HIV
3. Infections: Parasitic ( no fever, acute onset)

Learning Issues:

1. definitions, incidence, prevalence (fuad)
2.signs and symptoms(shakir)
3. pathophysiology(pik yin)
4. what is thyroid and its function(jun beng)
5. commonest causes and provoking factors(huey ting)
6. what distinguishes grave's and other forms of hyperthyroidism(ewe jin)
7. investigations and why (alex, prish)
8. management , esp grave's disease (mona, kaarthik)
9. psychological stress affects immune function such as grave's (keehao)



Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cushing Syndrome Week 6

Siti 43
Have hypertension
Growing moustache (Hirsutism)
Took steroids, immunosuppresants?

Round plethoric face
oily skin with acne
abdominal obesity with striae
new bruises
infected tear in the skin

Cushing syndrome
Metabolic syndrome

Learning issues for CUSHING SYNDROME

Definition, Prevalance Incidence, Differential diagnosis - Alex

Pathophysiology - 4 different thyroid hormones testosterone oestrogen glucocorticoids. names, site of production and site of release, main target organs and means of transport and feedback loop. Rship between blood pressure and cushing syndrome - Pik Yin and Kee Hao and Fuad

Causes and Risk Factors - Mona

Sign and Symptoms : explain S&S why facial hair oily skin how bruising happens, striae, potential for easy tear, reasons of weight gain - Jun Beng

Examination and Investigation - 24 hour urinary free cortisol - Kaarthik

Treatment and Management - (lifestyle, medical, firstline, CAM, surgical), ACTH and adrenal, dexamethasone, microsurgical and why headache after surgery, why HRT necessary after surgery and complications of surgery - Shakir and Huey Ting

Complications, Prognosis - Ewe Jin

Psychosocial, How does it affect? - Prish

Friday, August 13, 2010

Anatomy Pract Abdomen V

Q 1, 2, 3 - Prish, Ewe jin, Jun Beng
Q 4, 5 - Alex, Mona, Fuad
Q 6, 7, 8 - Kaarthik, Pikky, HT

Thursday, August 12, 2010

PCL Week 5

Pek Har's Reflux

Pek Har, 50, presented with chest pain (burning sensation)
Past 2-3 months, usually after big meals, lying down, and being anxious.
Duration of pain: couple of hours.
Medication to alleviate: Quik-eze and Gaviscon
Similar episode 30 years ago while pregnant

Medications: CCBs and NSAIDs
Smoking: 20/d Alcohol: 1-2 glasses of wine every night
BP: 135/80 Pulse rate: 80 BMI: 32


Fun fact:
20% of adults experience heartburn once a week

Learning issues for GERD

Definition, Stats, Differences between GERD and Dyspepsia
. (What is reflux? Stats.) - Huey Ting

- Jun Beng

Causes and Risk Factors
- Shakir

(Typical, Atypical, Alert), What is PEG feed? ( - Pik Yin

Examination and Investigation
- When and how investigate. Advantages and disadvantages of endoscopy. Is the finding of hiatal hernia significant? Alternatives for endoscopy for GERD. Should you look for H. pylori? Is H. pylori the culprit? - Fuad, Ewe Jin

Treatment and Management
- Management of GERD (lifestyle, medical, firstline, CAM, surgical) - Alexandra Kang, Kaarthikeshen

Complications, Prognosis
(Barrett's oesophagus, dysphagia and causes for dysphagia) - Mona

Articles + oesophageal cancer, types of oesophageal cancer including risks - Prisheila, Lai Kee Hao

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Lot Of Fuss

1.Crohns Disease
2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome-ulcerative colitis,
3.Celiac Disease
4.Gastric Cancer


abdoinal; pain, flatuence. anemia, bloating, fatigue

Learning Issues for Coeliac Disease

  • Definition, Incidence and Prevalence, DD-why are ppl with celiac disease misdiagnosed with IBS -Pik Yin
  • Causes(diet-gluten &gluten free diet,other causes of anemia, risk factors,prevention-Kee hao
  • Signs and symptoms (nutritional deficiency among ppl with coeliac disease)-u jin
  • Histology(funct of villi and microvilli), pathophysiology- jb, prisheila
  • complication and prognosis,reason for bone deficiency test-mona
  • investigations-blood test,antibody test.-alex
  • treatments and management-other treatments besides gluten free diet-shakir
  • phychososcial-impact of gluten free diet on personal lifestyle, challenges if a child is diagnosed with celiac disease,naturopath and dieticianm, role of dietician in management of celiac disease-huey ting, fuad
  • health promotion-hw to increase the rates of diagnosis in the community, list of gluten free diets available in the market-kaarthik

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Anatomy Practical

Q 1 and 2 - Prish, Jun Beng, Mona

Q 3 and 4 and 5 - Fuad, Alex , Pik yin

Q 6 and 7 and 8 - Ewe Jin, Kh, HT

Whoever not coming for practical speak now or forever hold your Peace!!