A lcohol(HH)
Increases Secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine and increases sympathetic output.
S moking
Smoking causes fibrosis of atrial walls via nicotine. CS also promotes endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis is vascular bed.
I nfection (pneumonia and sepsis)
P ulmonary: PE, COPD
I atrogenic
Previous history of cardiac surgery and administration of drugs.
R heumatic heart disease: mitral regurgitation
Mitral =bicuspid. Backflow of blood from left ventricle to left atrium. Heart must work harder to pump blood to body.
A therosclerotic: MI, CAD
T hyroid: Thyrotoxicosis(Hypo and hyperthyroidism)
Hypo: When not enough thyroid hormone is present neither the heart nor the blood vessels function normally. heart muscle is weakened in both its contraction phase, and also its relaxation phase.
E ndocarditis
Inflammation of endocardium. Impulse transmission disrupted.

S ick sinus syndrome
A collection of heart rhythm disorders which include bradycardia, tachycardia or alternating.
Tachycardia that starts at the upper chamber=A-fib.
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