Thursday, May 20, 2010

PCL 12

Learning Objectives & Tasks
- Definition & Prevalence MONA
- Pathophysiology & causes PIK YIN & PRISHIELA
- Risk factors & Internet as a source of information- pros and cons EWE JIN
- Signs & symptoms
- Examination & Investigation ALEX & JUN BENG
- interpretation of FBC and Blood Film
- Role and procedures of bone marrow biopsy
- Treatment & Management- SHAKIR & HUEY TING & KEE HAO
(oral iron- slow or poorly tolerated, IM injections- painful, risk of skin staining, blood transfusions-issues on blood transfusions Jehovah Witnesses, hospitalization, severe reactions, quick and long lasting, cost, blood borne disease risk- HIV, how much iron you get from blood)
- Complications & Prognosis FUAD

- Normal red blood cell development KARTHIK
- Definition of Poikilocytosis, Anisocytosis, Spherocytes, hypochromia

Suggested areas
- Review of oxygen transport
- How oxygen is converted in muscles
- What does a baby haemoglobin remains oxygenated in the uterus
- Review the role of vitamin B12 & folic acid in blood formation (absorption, storage and transport)
- Would you transfuse Lily? Justify your decisions in physiological terms.
- How much blood is donated in Red Cross
- What are the beliefs of jehovah witness on blood transfusion?
- What are the patients rights & what are YOUR duties as a doctor in relation to previous questions.
- What are the religious beliefs that impact the patients choice on blood transfusion? like animal products eg. bovine for hindus and pigs for muslims
- what is vegan?
How is FBC taken?

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