Thursday, April 15, 2010

Job distribution


Definition & types fuad

Normal physiology: alex, kee hao, prish
Major sources of input and output of fluid in body, sources of sodium input and output of body
What is dextrose and why 5%? Difference btwn osmolarity, osmolality & tonicity
How fluid is distributed ECF and ICF?
What happens to osmolarity on input and output of water?
How is total input and output balanced- mechanism?

Pathophysiology & causes mona

Signs & symptoms . pikkie

Investigation/clinical examination karthik, jb
How to assess low sodium- normal blood test reading.
How to measure plasma osmolarity and tonicity
How did Sara find out?

Treatment/management shakir, ej
How to give dosage of saline/fluids.
Why is maintaining sodium level important? What happens to plasma volume?

Complications & prognosis huey ting

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